Co-written by Isley Lynn and Libby Rodliffe

Bea has three full time jobs; a mix of remote and in-person and none of her employers know about the others. She needs to keep it that way – if one finds out she’ll lose them all. Anyone else would be raking it in, but Bea’s only doing all this so she can escape the unexpected crippling debt she’s found herself drowning in. So she stays completely under the radar… Or at least, she did, until one of her bosses spots her on the concierge desk at his mistress’ mansion block. Now it’s only the threat of mutually-assured destruction that’s stopping it all from crashing down around her.

JOBSWORTH is a riotous, ferocious, and hilarious show about systems that are designed to fuck you, and how to fuck them right back.

A new musical by Emmy The Great, Isley Lynn, and Tom Brady

In development with Tom Hughes and Francesca Moody Productions

With support from MGCFutures

Coming to kick your ass soon…

Co-created with Laura Hanna, direction and dramaturgy by Jessica Edwards

Bush Theatre - R&D 2019

Arcola Lab - R&D 2017

MGCFutures - Bursary recipient, 2016

Old Vic Lab - R&D 2016